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For Asset Buyers

If you are an investor or institution interested in the purchase of either REO properties or Non-Performing/Performing mortgage loans, please contact to register for a list of availabilities. We do not publish our list on the web due to privacy concerns and the constant fluctuation of available inventory.

For Asset Sellers

We understand the complexities of a loan seller’s liquidity needs. We also know the seller needs as much cash as possible as quickly as possible and that asset demographics should not play a role in our decision to acquire. The type of asset we will buy has no location or class limitation other than a requirement that it be a 1st position mortgage lien or fee simple title to real estate.

Our due diligence review period is usually only a matter of 10-14 days on tapes of less than 100 loans and we can close in as little as 48 hours. We will provide bids on a pool or loan level basis so that a seller can cherry pick which assets to sell.

Our due diligence reviews include a meticulous review of the complete collateral and credit file, including all servicing records and communications with the borrowers.


We buy all types of residential assets (excluding mobile homes) and commercial assets in the arena of retail, office, and mult-family.

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